Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New Year’s Hopes and Contemplations

The countdown to 2016 is upon us so like many of us, I’ve been contemplating what I want to accomplish in the coming year, and taking stock of what I’ve accomplished so far.

As I ruminate on this, I’ve decided I need to figure out what my idea of success is, if it’s still the same or has it evolved? When I first started selling, my idea of success was to sell enough to reinvest in more gemstones and tools. That evolved into creating a more consistent sales pattern. Which evolved into defining and developing a cohesive line that allowed me to play with different skill sets and price lines. In these regards I have been very successful. I’ve set and met my goals, exceeding in some areas and refining what still needs work.

Since opening the “doors” at Amazon’s Handmade Marketplace, I’ve been deliberating on my ideas of success and have decided it may just be time to set the bar a little higher. I like Amazon, a lot. I like the business lay out, I like how straight forward things are, I like how it makes sense to me, I like how it even makes Etsy clearer for me. I believe Amazon will help make me a better seller on Etsy and I look forward to the coming year on both selling platforms. I truly believe this is going to be a very good year!

As far as resolutions go, I generally set goals and map out plans for them all year long re-evaluating as necessary and adjusting accordingly. Where last year was about photos and tags, this year will be about book keeping and inventory, exciting isn’t it? 

I lost my inventory data when my desk top died and I started rebuilding it some time ago but that stalled out. I just recently lost a decent sale when I didn’t have the inventory on hand to complete it. That hurt, I need to know what materials I have on hand and reorder when low so that doesn’t happen again.

Book keeping is boring but I constantly have a stack of receipts to file and that just needs to be addressed, I used to be on top of these things. Part of that is just not really liking the software I have and the resulting procrastination. I need to just get over it OR find new software, I’m leaning towards new software.

Other than that it’s just building a cohesive shop on Amazon and keeping a decent balance of items in my range. As well as developing a nice clean look in Etsy so both market places have similar looks. This should also streamline my photo process for me which is a bonus really.

As I read over this I’d have to say I have a recurring theme for my goals this year.  I’d say the word of the year is Efficiency.

Efficient: adjective: working in a well-organized and competent way
: organized, methodical, systematic, logical, orderly, businesslike, streamlined, productive, effective, cost-effective, labor-saving. ANTONYMS disorganized.

hahaha yes I am a Virgo why do you ask?!  Yes, I did just reorganize my pantry…… and cupboards……umm no I’m not a neat freak, the dust bunnies would thank you not to put that particular idea in my head lol  I just like things where I can find them easily so I can make a mess with them! Including numbers, because lets face it - taxes and inventory need to be seen at a glance and the less work it takes the better.

I do have other goals as well but they revolve around family and the house. I’ll probably share those later in the year as things get done. Knock wood  😊

What say you? Any wonderfully wild plans for your year? Fun things or serious? Goals Hopes Dreams Ambitions? Share them here if you're so inclined.

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