I'm so sorry I totally slacked off the last couple of weeks - but I really needed a little destress and down time. Think it worked too as I am starting to feel energized again! Those blue skies today probably didn't hurt any either!!
I got an invitation to join the Bead Soup Blog Party over on Lori Anderson's blog. I love swaps! They are a blast! You never really know what you're going to get, it's like Christmas all over again :) I had about a 50/50 shot at getting in, the blog hop has gotten really really popular and there's a cap of 200. But I got in! I've sent a quick hello to my blog buddy and I'll just wait to hear back and then we can exchange addy's.

What's on the Desk: The Dragon's Eye Ring is almost finished, I revamped a necklace, made two jewelry busts - because sometimes an upright position really is the best option :), and I have several designs being worked up in my head and the sketchbook!! But FIRST! The hubs can't seem to find his hat I knit for him before we got married (a loooong time ago lol) and he's asked me to knit him a new one. He has another (a gift from one of the ready mix outfits) but it doesn't keep his ears warm like mine did. It's about half way made now. But boy did my shoulders knot up just as quick as I cast on! I think they were afraid I was settling in for another marathon session o_O
Oh I nearly forgot! I have been wanting to make a Look Book. Something I can load up with the pics of what I've made, what I have currently available and what has sold. I popped into Hobby Lobby and just about fell over at their prices! My daughter had a few things she wanted to get at Wal Mart so I tagged along - GC in hand. Found a nice purse sized album for $5 WITH lined space on the side, perfect for descriptions and prices! Then I picked up some really pretty scrap book paper, I don't scrap book but I loved the paper and it does look very nice around a photo. I also picked up some clear templates for cutting those papers and photos to size. I hate to say it, but I do have 8 yrs of photos waiting to be put in albums, so this my be another crafty topic for discussing on occasion. OK probably will become another topic lol
I've also been working on my goals for the upcoming year and thinking about the best course of action in achieving those goals. As I've been working on them I was overcome by the feeling that it's going to be a Wonderful Year! I hope it is for you too! Happy New Year!