On the HomeFront: I still (yes still) need to finish the face of my mural. She is looking beautiful but had to take a back seat while the tub was installed and then the sink. I waited for the support wall to go in on the front of the tub but it hasn't happened yet - I think I might just have to start painting again for that to happen! I've uploaded the in progress pics I have to my daughters computer. I can at least give you a couple in progress photos, right?
On the Desk: I actually finished a UFO this week! I know!! The pieces have been sitting in that little triangular tray for over a year. I am so excited to have it finished, it's such a sweet little bracelet. No pics yet, I only finished last night and have been playing on Pinterest today. I know bad me. Not really I love iron work, I have pieces of it all over my house (you see it in my pics all the time!) it translates into wire so well that I decided to create an inspiration board of just iron. I think I blogged about actually cleaning off the desk - maybe that was a FB status update oops any way I said I had actually gotten it cleaned off and of course already had a couple projects ready to go. I had a custom order I needed to finish, then the UFO and now this piece - HEAVILY inspired by the iron. I have another UFO I'm really ready to get to and I want this piece finished up before I begin so my desk can be devoted to what I'm working on.
But Dana, Bead Soup is on the counter waiting for a sprinkling of inspiration. Yes and I have a dead computer that needs to be boxed up. I think it's safe to say after four months it isn't going to spontaneously turn back on. I know, I've been trying. Once it's boxed up my computer desk will be - an empty surface. Since I have decided I like the mobility of Paige's laptop and do believe I'd like one for my own, I don't think the desk is going to fill back up with computer. I'm also looking at rearranging the furniture in there just a hair to free up even more space. So no worries, I got it covered! Huge grin!
Sneak Peeks at the mural these are IN PROGRESS shots NOT the final thing....
Wraps around three walls with no stenciling all free hand. I did use the painters tape as a straight edge - I can paint but I can't draw a straight line lol Even with the tape I managed to get it crooked. Still needs a couple touch ups and her face and hair need finishing. I forgot to put her other arm in - it is in my sketch but somehow didn't make it onto the wall. Debating whether she really needs it, would be something of a pain to tuck in to the white of her gown and match skin tone at this point.
Thanks for stopping in and listening to(or reading) my ramblings. If you liked the in progress shots I may consider doing more - we still have a few projects to finish up around here. Cabinets and tiling, pine flooring, etc etc
See ya next time!
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