Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bead Soup Seven Reveal!

And here it is, the day we've all been waiting for, Saturday! It also happens to be the First Reveal for Lori Anderson's most recent Bead Soup Blog Party. This years event is the biggest to date! Over 500 blogs and a second hop has been added for those beady peeps who don't have a blog but really wanted to participate. Wow! This has become one heck of a party! This is my third time to participate and I can tell you the fun and excitement over reveal is just as great the third time as it was the first! Kids at Christmas is how I can best describe it! Ok Ok no more tortuous wait. You came here for pics and pics you shall have!

But first....a reminder of what I received.

Bead Soup 7

Welcome to My Reveal - Woodland Fae

This first photo, while not strictly Bead Soup as none of the components came from my partner, is I think still appropriate. You see some time back Lori had a caption this photo contest on her blog. I won! The focal on this neck piece was a part of the prize package she and Zack sent me. I wove the collar and added a second piece of filigree and as it felt a part of the rest of todays collection I choose to show it here. Thank you Zack and Lori!


I love the stamped brass filigree rings you see all over Etsy. I had one, once upon a time, I loved that ring. Paige has claimed this one.


Courtney, my first partner from Party #5 sent so many wonderful beads that I ran out of time before I ran out of beads and ideas. Jennifer sent these cool little enameled gears. The color on the gears made me think of Courtneys beads and sure enough the first pair of earrings was born!

I realize the clear crystals become one with the ice, so a second photo

The filigree of the ring kept whispering to my muse "wouldn't more flowers be sweet?" So I faux enameled some head pins and answered my Muses call.


Another pair of earrings she said to help beckon the spring.


Now those sweet little butterflies spoke to my muse. Reminding her I had a clasp to use. A bracelet became of that.

Bead Soup 7- the Clasp

Now you've heard the story of my evolving design. That is if you've been reading along with me the last several weeks.
When I pulled the beads together for my design I began the process of taking away and creating several other pieces in doing so.
This second bracelet was born of the remaining Soo Chow Jade as I noticed how sweet it looked next to the Art Nouveau stamping when I had accidentally knocked over the container while reaching for the bead caps.

Bead Soup 7 - Soo Chow Jade bracelet

I love this three stranded necklace. It was the first of the take aways. I began by creating the beaded chain and quickly realized the Soo Chow Jade worked beautifully where I had planned for the chain. I remembered I had the abalone heart and quickly went to work creating a filigree design to grace it.

Bead Soup 7 - Wrapped Filigree Abalone Heart
Bead Soup 7 - Wrapped Filigree Abalone Heart

My second necklace was born of the same taking away process. This time I wanted to see how the glass drop looked with another piece. I had had it as the center of the floral focal. But I had to take it off the flower to see when I noticed how much more beautiful it looked with the lamp worked focal Jennifer had made. Wrapping the lamp work with several pieces of filigree it became the focal belonging to the Soo Chow Jade.

Bead Soup 7 - FIligree & LampWork

My final piece was the first designed and the last made. It was a learning experience that I'm very happy with. It proved to me I am capable of the fine art of taking away. It can be a hard lesson to learn, exuberance often overloads a design and knowing when to stop can be hard. Taking away is sometimes the best thing you can do for a piece.
As I was very happy with the floral, filigree, and scrolling design of the front I didn't want the back to detract from it. Once I had learned to paint the copper with a flame I knew I could back the pin adding to the design rather than detracting from it. But I also wanted the back to be as pretty as the front. Enter etching. It made my pin back as pretty as the front.

The Pin itself however proved a little tougher, I had intended it to be a fibula. The position of the etching on the metal though, restricted where I could saw. This turned out to be critical. Twice, just as I was finishing the pin and about to turn it - it snapped. Out of room to saw a third attempt I used what little room I had left to create a bracket. Using a large gauge wire I balled one end and forged the other until I had a nice clean sharp point. The results, I'm quite happy with!


So, there you have it. I've used almost all of my soup. I hope you've enjoyed your visit with me today. I've really enjoyed cooking for you and hope I've served up a small feast worthy of the Fae who inspired it. Before you go please join me in hopping over to Jennifer's blog, Dry Gulch Beads and Jewelry, and let's take a peek at what she has cooked up for us!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love all the pieces, but the pin is fabulous! Great job! Gina H

  2. Gorgeous pieces, the pin is fabulous!!

  3. AMAZING. LOVE the filigree pieces. My favorite so far!

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing what you've created too!

  4. They are all so spectacular - I have no idea where to start complimenting you!! I think the abalone heart has won as the first in place for me, but they are all incredible. I'm so happy to have found your blog through the BSBP7, and am a new follower! I just love your style, and your wrapping and your gorgeous brooch... oh it's all wonderful!!!!!! I can't wait to see your next creations!

    1. Thank you so much! I took a peek into your shop on Etsy...gorgeous works!!

  5. All great pieces, and so many of them. I think that the brooch is stunning and definitely my fave!

    1. Thank you so much! I popped over to your blog and saw you've been playing with etching too :)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Cheryl! Can't wait to see what you made!

  7. Great jewelry! The brooch is fabulous on the front AND the back. The filigree just floors me. Thanks for sharing the take away. I'm a new designer-I have sooooo much to learn.

    I’m in the third reveal. Can’t wait.

    1. Thank you Kathy! Looking forward to seeing yours too :)

  8. Very beautiful work! The pin is my favorite. I will be learning etching next week and can't wait to start doing some myself!

    1. Thank you Cindy! It is so much fun! I think you'll really enjoy it!

  9. Fantastic group of pieces and great concept to use fro creating. You really made the most of your ingredients. The pin is beautiful, as are all the others.

  10. Wow, what a wonderful selection of fae jewelry! I'm in love.

  11. Great job on the soup!
    Everything is so beautiful!

  12. All the pieces are beautiful but that pin is just beyond amazing. Love everything about it, it's perfect and would definitely be worn by a woodland fae. Just spectacular!

    1. Thank you so very much Heather! Pretty sure yours would be too, just beautiful!

  13. stunning one and all! what talent you have.

    1. Thank you! I think anyone who can do what you do to bike chain is pretty talented too!

  14. Love your soup. The pieces are beautiful and amazing...all of them! Happy BSBP7.

  15. I love how you did all the intricate wire wrap.

  16. I'm on the 3rd reveal, I'm partecipating for the 3rd time on BSBP, I'm visiting all blogs...
    I love your soup, all your pieces are beautiful.
    I'm totally in love with the necklaces!
    ciao dall'Italia

    1. Thank you Jo!! Looking forward to seeing what you make!

  17. your work is spectacular. i love the vintage element you work into your pieces

  18. I love the necklace you've made with the abalone heart pendant, especially the wire wrapping around it. Enjoy the party!

    1. Thank you! I hope you're enjoying it too! Looking forward to seeing what you make!

  19. Wow, you really rocked everything! Way to go!

  20. Exquisite designs Dana !! I loved reading your blog and your process.

  21. Love your pieces and you have wonderful photos!

    1. Thank you! I'm not normally thrilled about ice storms, but it sure made for a beautiful backdrop this time :)

  22. all designes are amazing, but the last one- really- the best!!!!

  23. amazing work! loved them all, especially the last.

  24. Excellent work! I love the contrast of the filigree with the different stones, glass and lucite flowers. The pendant is fantabulous on both sides and your pin is extraordinary! Lovely!

  25. So many different lovely designs made by one person! Wow!
    The last one is my favourite ♥

    Greetings from The Netherlands!

  26. WOMAN! Hand me your talent! Holy cow, where to start????? That pin -- woah. LOVE. The heart -- wonderful. ALL of the pieces just rock the house and show thought and care. And I have to say I love the photos against the snow and ice!

    I am thrilled to bits! Don't forget to add these to the Pin boards!

    1. :D Thank you! I'll be sure to get them repinned after I visit a few more blogs!

  27. So many amazing items, but I'm in love with the heart necklace!!!

  28. Hi Dana-couln't wait to get home today, so I could tell you how pretty all your work is. You are such a talented lady-love them all!!!!

    1. I'm so glad you like them! You made my soup look amazing too!!

  29. Stunning jewelry, I especially love the ones you did some wire wrapping on.

    1. Thank you so much! One of my favorite things to do :)

  30. Love these pieces and great photography

    1. Thank you! Mother Nature helped out quite a bit with the pics :)

  31. Replies
    1. Thank you very much! Looking forward to seeing your work as well!

  32. Oh, the abalone heart stole my heart. Sooo lovely, darling.

  33. Nice photography! I like the natural elements. The second necklace is my favorite. Very pretty

  34. Amazing to see all this hard work and beautiful designs. The broach is breathtaking

  35. Wow and then wow again! Very nice. The three stranded necklace is a nice piece of work.

  36. With so many wonderful pieces it is hard to say which stood out and was the best. If I had to nail it down I think it would be the pin! Your designing skills are amazing and what a lovely soup your partner had sent you. Happy Beading!

  37. That pin is stunning! What fun to see all the history and your wire skills are outstanding! Beautiful Beautiful work!

  38. I agree--the three stranded necklace is fabulous! Congratulations!

    Outstandingly beautiful work on every single thing you created Dana--I love it all! I think you are INCREDIBLE--you see beauty everywhere you look!!! So wonderful, and an amazing artist!!!
    all love.
    jean!!! xoxox
    such an honor to know you!!!

    1. muah Jean! It is so easy to see beauty when your friends are beautiful souls!
      much love!!

  39. Wow - fabulous work! Loving that abalone heart necklace especially, but it's all beautiful!

  40. Great pieces, love each one!

  41. Wow, amazing pieces my friend! I love that pin! :)

  42. Your pieces are gorgeous. They just scream spring!!

  43. You did a wonderful job with your soup. All of your pieces are great. The pin is outstanding.

  44. Note to self: Filigree works surprisingly well with Abalone! Love all your pieces.

  45. very cool! love your pin. the lampwork focal bead in your necklace is just dreamy! love your soup

  46. Your wire work combined with your design eye = fabulous. The woven collar near the top of the photos is something special. How is it done? And the pin is over the top.

    I do feel that some of the background of your photos make it difficult to see the full beauty of your pieces. I kept wanting to be able to see the details of your amazing work more clearly.

    1. Hi Lyn!
      Thank you so much! I knew as beautiful as the ice in the woods shots were that they could disguise some of the details, so I tried to include regular indoor shots for the pieces I thought would be of more interest to everyone. I do have a couple more shots on my Flickr page, I'm pretty sure you can get there by clicking on any of the photos in my post. :)
      The woven collar is a little time consuming but pretty easy to do once you get going. I didn't have a vice at the time (still don't) So I just used a clamp. The following you tube video is a free tutorial on the technique.

  47. Wow! Hop-stopping work! And I'm almost sad the last patch of snow in my yard melted today . . . almost! :)

  48. Great work!! I especially Love the multi-strand necklace!!

  49. Wow! I am enmeshed by the the three straged necklace. The wire work is spectacular!


  50. Amazing designs. I need a lesson in taking away! You did a wonderful job!

    1. Thank you Carol! :)
      I don't know..... I loved your bracelets! I wouldn't have taken anything away from them :)

  51. great job, I really like the wire wrapping on the heart....amazing!! I just love them all!! ~KM

  52. Replies
    1. Thank you Susan! Looking forward to seeing what you made with that gorgeous soup of yours!

  53. I love all your pieces, but the necklace with the abalone heart is by far my favorite!

  54. Great soup! I love all of your creations.

  55. All I can say is WOW! Great job, Dana!

  56. BEAUTIFUL !!! I really like the one shown in the

  57. Gorgeous. I love the pin and the bracelet with the turquoise clasp, stunning.

  58. All very pretty and my favorite is the heart necklace!

  59. wow, you got great stuff and made great stuff with it. I love how you used the texture of the cogs in a non steampunky way.

  60. Amazing pieces - I love them all ... your filigree wire wrapping work is stunning =)

  61. Wow! really gorgeous pieces. I really love all the detail and really like how you used the filigree.

  62. Wow! What lovely pieces your created. I think the butterfly earrings are my favorite but they are all gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Kimberly! I think you're the first to mention the butterflies :)

  63. Lovely presentation of your creations! You had a great soup to work with!

    1. Thank you Rachel! I did, I received some wonderful soup!

  64. the little green earrings with the white flowers make me smile. love them ~diana

  65. Your designs look so amazing! I love all of your creations. The brooch pin is my favorite, tho. ♥

  66. Breath taking work. Your photography is magificent, esp the ones taken on the snow/ice.

  67. Is that snow? Never seen this closer *silly me*
    But you're so BRAVO work...specially the perfect and beautiful...

    1. More ice than snow, we had a late season storm. Kind of slippery to walk on but it does make for a pretty back drop :)

      Thank you!

  68. Wow - you've been a very busy bee! You've made a lot of beautiful pieces, but my favourites are the cute butterfly earrings and the three stranded necklace. Very well done!

  69. I like the last one most. It reminds me of spring flowers coming throw autumn leaves on the ground.

  70. Beautiful work! I especially like the abalone heart!

  71. Wow, you were very busy!! Such beautiful creations! You received an awesome bead soup...all that filigree, yum!

    1. Thank you! That filigree was huge motivator for me, LOVED it!!

  72. Loved what you did with your soup! The brooch is mine ya know... LOL! just have to drool! Great job!

    1. LOL Thank you!! If I decide to try to price it I'll let you know, it's one of those pieces I need to hold on to and love for awhile first :D

  73. The pieces are beautiful - artfully shown by your great photography.
    Love the Soo Chow jade bracelet


  74. Thank you so much CryssT! I Love your blog name!!

  75. Wow what great pieces! Several of your pictures seem to have disappeared for me :-( but the ones remaining are gorgeous. Love that pin!

    1. Thank you so much! Flick'r keeps trying to revert the settings to private, where I had them until it was time to reveal. I've had to re-enter the code for most of the photos now. Thanks for letting me know!

  76. Those pieces are fantastic and then some! Great job on everything!

  77. Lovely work on all of it -- such beautiful combinations of colors and textures, resulting in some very pretty pieces. Nice!

  78. I went back and looked three times to figure out if I had a favorite piece. I can say that they all have something very special, and that there is not one that is better than the other. I am in awe! You have a very exceptional talent that has shown through your creations. Thank you for sharing!

    1. What a wonderfully sweet thing to say! Thank you so much Cheryl!

  79. Wow!! I especially love the butterfly earrings and heart necklace. Amazing work.

  80. Oh, wow - even if I could I wouldn't pick one piece: they are all stunning! Amazing designs and exquisite wire work, and mix of media - love each and every single piece!

  81. I agree with Alicia...they are all fantastic! Great Job! And oh, hug your muse!

    1. Thank you! I will do that, I think she's sleeping it off while I do taxes though :) It's OK She left me several projects to finish up in the meantime!

  82. All of your designs are incredible! Every one is a true work of art.

  83. Wow! Everything is so, so beautiful... You did an amazing job with your soup! I'm both extremely impressed and extremely inspired... Nice work! :D

    1. Thank you so much! I couldn't ask for more than to have inspired! Looking forward to seeing what you've made!

  84. Wow! Beautiful jewelry! Can't pick a favorite!

  85. I love everything! The pin is gorgeous but my favourite is the heart necklace. Your wirework is amazing.

  86. Wow! That's quite a soup your received! I really like all of your designs, but believe the heart and chain pendant is my favorite.

  87. WOW!!! Where do I start?!?! I think you are an incredibly gifted designer! [Let's start there..LOL] I like all of the designs but my favorites are the last necklace and the pin. The colors,design work, movement,texture...WOW!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!

    1. Thank you so much Robin! That's a very nice way to perk up my day!
      Hope you have a blessed day as well.

  88. All of your pieces are beautiful. The pin looks like great detail of thought, time, and effort went into it. Well done!

    1. Thank you so much Kathy! I had a lot of fun with all of them but especially the pin!

  89. You made so much!! It's all so nice, but that three-strand necklace really wins me over. It seems to have an inner glow! Sublime.

    1. Thank you! I love those crystals they really make the necklace I think, they just match the abalone so perfectly!

  90. Stunning collection! And I love the name WindDancer Studious :-)

  91. Just for a spring! So original! Great Soup

  92. Wow what a lovely lot of gorgeous jewellery,i adore the pin and love your photographs of each piece.
