Tuesday, September 20, 2016
A Little Tennyson for Your Day.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Apologies for my silence.
If you've been reading my poems you pretty much know what has been happening in my life.
No surprise then that my muse has been weeping in the corner - I'm right there with her. It's very hard to create beauty when you have to fight to see it. So my hands sit idle or simply cover the pain that is leaking from my eyes.
My life it seems, is completely falling to pieces. I will get through this eventually. The sun will shine again. And I promise I will find routine again for those things that used to make my heart sing with joy, including this blog.
I've also just received notice from Rebel Mouse they will no longer be offering the free media site. It's a shame really, it was nice to have fresh content for the blog here even when I wasn't able to find words. Didn't want you to wonder what happened to the page here on the blog once it finally disappears.
Work these days is my happy place. I put a smile on my face and fake it until it's real. I think I might have gone insane if not for that place. I am so incredibly grateful for my customers and for you.
Never let the ones you love forget that you do. Hold them tight, whisper sweet words in their ear. Do it every day, don't let someone else do it for you.
Tim next time
No surprise then that my muse has been weeping in the corner - I'm right there with her. It's very hard to create beauty when you have to fight to see it. So my hands sit idle or simply cover the pain that is leaking from my eyes.
My life it seems, is completely falling to pieces. I will get through this eventually. The sun will shine again. And I promise I will find routine again for those things that used to make my heart sing with joy, including this blog.
I've also just received notice from Rebel Mouse they will no longer be offering the free media site. It's a shame really, it was nice to have fresh content for the blog here even when I wasn't able to find words. Didn't want you to wonder what happened to the page here on the blog once it finally disappears.
Work these days is my happy place. I put a smile on my face and fake it until it's real. I think I might have gone insane if not for that place. I am so incredibly grateful for my customers and for you.
Never let the ones you love forget that you do. Hold them tight, whisper sweet words in their ear. Do it every day, don't let someone else do it for you.
Tim next time
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
More Poetry and Daggers
As promised, the third poem or stanza - third written but would be the first if it becomes all one. There may be more yet, I thought it was finished but now am not so sure. There may be a dragon to slay yet.
She talked to him into the night
and helped him fight the tears
She fueled his anger and his lust
she made him forget the fears
She handed him a dagger
and whispered in his ear
They created a wave of destruction
smashed his marriage like tiny mirrors
She smiled as she thought she’d won
and began her reign of terror
This nightmare was his error
~~Dana 2016
Speaking of daggers. Remember that cool little box from Endless Leather It had some great black cord and some beautiful sterling cord ends in it.
You know I’m a member of the Artisan Group and one of the things we do is supply various costume stylists with accessories they can use on the tv shows or movies they’re working on. I created this dagger piece, largely inspired by the poem and sent it off the stylist for the Originals tv show on the CW. I’m very hopeful it will get used and you can say you saw it here first!
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Black Velvet Choker and Silver Scimitar |
So there you have it, what’s been going on in my world. Like I said before, Smoke and Mirrors and ....more swords and daggers!
Thanks for stopping by!
We’ll see you next time!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
of Smoke and Mirrors and Missing Muses
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Smoke and Mirrors |
The world has gone crazy, my life is upside down, and Facebook seems to be in an awfully ugly political fight. Even Year of Jewelry can’t help this one, my poor Muse is sitting in the corner in tears, it’s all just too much.
*I’ve managed to hold on to my sanity because even though I’m not making a lot of new pieces, I am selling and making those pieces.
*I’ve been working on the house, mostly tape and texture work. Hoping to layout the tile for the Master bath this week, we shall see but I am hoping to.
*I have managed to make a couple new pieces for The Artisan Group, I’ve sent in submissions for Bones and the Originals, blog posts coming for those in the coming weeks. And I’m thinking I’ll send pieces for the Press gift bags for this years Emmys - but I still need an idea for that and the Muse is still over there, sigh. Hopefully we can coax her back out again.
*New Kitten, omg what a sweetie he is. He just appeared on the door step this last week and has just filled all our hearts with love and laughter - it was much needed. He answers to Boogie, so we call him that. Or Boog, or Boo, or BB. He’s one of those kitties that stares into your soul and is so chill about everything which makes me think he was dumped and not feral. And he’s also extremely gentle with his paws.
*I’ve been having some very interesting conversations with friends but I’m afraid they may be what triggered the ugliness to appear in my feed. The algorithm thinking since I had one conversation I want to see all the ugly there is on it - sigh. I really don’t need to, or want to for that matter, it puts me in a dark place that I don’t like.
*The Hay House group on Facebook is a life saver, the constant positive up lifting posts there are just amazing - best thing I’ve done for myself in a long time.
*I’ve just joined a copy writing group - when you stare at a blank page long enough you realize a little help every now and again is a good thing. Once I was accepted into the group the first thing I saw was introduce yourself, use a graphic NOT yours, NOT of your product, or your art, or of yourself. Show what your aspirations are, who do you want to be? What inspires you?
I’m still working on my introduction, the above is the photo I’ve chosen. My tagline is Artisan Jewelry with a Touch of Boheme but the words that come to mind as I think on this and the photo are Sexy, Strong, Exotic, Sought After, Loved. Now we ….. well I …… need to decide how those fit into my aspirations and inspirations, some are easier than others.
So there you have it, what’s been going on in my world. Smoke and Mirrors and ha! more swords and daggers! Speaking of, I do have another stanza for the Nightmare poem/series. Yes, it has a name now. There may still be more to write but my Muse, in the corner, yup. Maybe look for the new stanza next week….. or a choker ….. or hey! why not do both!
Thanks for stopping by!
We’ll see you next time!
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
On Storms and Paying it Forward
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Leonid Afremov on Etsy Find him HERE |
It's storming again as I write this. Yes, AGAIN! This has been a rough month storm and rain-wise. If you remember the bread and butter business is in Construction, rain makes for downtime lots of downtime. Downtime means the bills run late because you need to work to make money. Which actually brings me to todays topic believe it or not.
I’m sure I mentioned I’ve taken a part time job recently. Our expenses have increased just enough that it was becoming a strain on the hubs, especially with the weather we've been having, and I wanted to help take some of that stress off. I've also been going a little stir crazy cooped up on this hill all by myself for so much of the time. So, I’m working as a cashier at our local Dollar General.
My In-Laws insisted I was going to hate working there, but I am really falling in love with this job. It’s a lot of hard work I’ll admit. Stocking shelves between customers can get to be a heckuva work out. I was working on sky boxes (we keep over stock on the top shelves) the other day and I joked it was the best leg work out I’d had in a long time - up and down the ladder all day long!
My customers, though, are the reason I love this job. They are just amazing people. They make me smile on days I don’t want to. They make me laugh when I think there is no more laughter. They love one another and me. I get teased for being short and for no reason at all. I even have customers who will come along behind me and place things back up on the top shelf after I’ve pulled them down to restock shelves. Best of all I regularly get to see acts of kindness and pay it forwards that genuinely warm my heart.
I have missed this so very much! What I see of the world lately on Facebook isn't so nice. It's political and personal, angry and sad, and that wears on you, it wears you down and I was feeling it. It took its toll on my marriage too. I can't tell you how much I needed to have my faith in humanity renewed and my customers have done that in a big way.
Be kind to one another, commit random acts of kindness and pay it forward. The love and compassion you share has an amazing ripple effect. Those acts touch many other people as well and that’s a VERY good thing. It's what makes my job a joy, thank you!
I haven’t made anything new lately, but that doesn’t mean I’m not making. Amazon sales have remained steady and I make to order most of those. Once I get my routine back in order I’ll get back to new goodies again I’m sure. Those “leg days” are kind of whooping me lol
Thanks so much for stopping by!
We'll see you next time!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Passion, Fun, and Storms It's All Messy
Thunderstorms woke me up this morning and a headache at the base of my skull kept me up. So I made coffee and took an Advil, then sat and read my e-mail until my neck loosened up enough to release the knot that was causing the headache. In my e-mail was my daily horoscope:
What Ignites Your Passion
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You could notice that your passion for life may heighten your enthusiasm for your activities today. Your enthusiasm might be the result of your desire to engage fully in your life rather than letting things simply happen to you. Giving your undivided attention to everything you do today can help you infuse all of your activities with greater passion. While working, playing sports, or being with your partner, you might take a moment to stop and breathe. This lets you become aware of the present moment. As your awareness develops you can bring your focus to whatever you are doing or the person you are with and reflect upon what it is about that activity or person that energizes you. Understanding what excites you could ignite an even greater feeling of passion.
Understanding what excites me, wow, twice in two days. I was just asked what I did for fun. For FUN. I couldn’t think of one darn thing I did for fun. I used to be fun all the time, what the heck happened to me? I know, some of you might be thinking but you make such pretty things surely you consider that fun? I make to keep my sanity it’s a part of me just like breathing is but I haven’t created anything for the sheer joy of it in a long while, and that’s a shame. In fact I’ve been entirely too serious for at least a year, and I wonder why I’m facing storms in my life.
I used to dance, I used to play softball, I used to windsurf, I used to……..
My life has become so wrapped up in everything around me I have forgotten me. AGAIN! I swore I wouldn’t do that again, and yet here we are. heavy sigh
So maybe I start dancing again, maybe belly dance. Or maybe I start date night and take advantage of $5 movie night at the theater. Or something else I don’t know the University has a rock climbing wall maybe I’ll learn to play on rocks or climb them, maybe my fingers still have enough strength in them to do that. Maybe I have enough strength in me to find fun and happiness again, just maybe I do. Wasn’t fun on my list of important things to do this year? On my list or not I guess it’s about time.
Tell me in the comments what do you do for fun?
And hey! Thanks for stopping by!
ah! the storm that woke me up has passed and the sun has come out of hiding.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Week 19 Year of Jewelry Project
I made this pendant a few weeks back, posted it as an in progress piece on Instagram and then immediately dropped it and busted it in two pieces. sigh Alan bought a new torch for me a week or so ago and it works a charm! However the heat of the torch did darken the Ruby in Fuchsite a bit. .....Note to self invest in some Jool Cool if you think you might ever need to apply heat to a cab again......
I also make a crown ring using the same bezel wire, it's my second best seller on Amazon right now. I've also sold several on Etsy. I'm really starting to enjoy rings and may have to think about a bezel set ring or a saddle ring soon.
Short and sweet this week...... I've rejoined the workforce after 30 plus years of self employment and it seems to take up a lot more time than I remember, or maybe I was just a bit younger and had a lot more energy.
Be kind to each other!
See ya next week!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Of Poetry, Ideas, and Talismans
Poem 2
He’d finally found his freedom
but he wasn’t really free
He watched her walk away
and said it was meant to be
The years had slowly passed
but his heart, it grew heavy
knowing how he’d wounded
his true love, his one and only.
He’d plunged the dagger in her chest
twisting it so slowly.
He knew the pain he had caused
still, he blamed her for it solely.
~~ Dana 2016
I’m thinking this is turning into an epic rather than sister poems, I feel there’s still a bit more of the story to write. Or maybe an entire collection, who knows. Definitely been a good outlet for me lately though. The inspiration could evolve into a series of dagger jewelry or hearts, oh or both. hmmm may have to play with this idea a bit more. We’ll see how it evolves.
This weeks Year of Jewelry piece is a talisman for myself A simple stack of gemstones from top to bottom Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Garnet and Labradorite. There are a number of books and websites that list the mystic and or healing qualities of the various gemstones. I used to have several of those book marked but a couple crashes and a couple computers later I’ve lost more bookmarked sites than I can remember. So when Pearl over at the Beading Gem posted this particular website I thought I’d take advantage while I was thinking of it and chose my stones for my talisman.
talisman |ˈtaləsmənˈtalizmən|
noun (pl. talismans)
an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.
If you remember my goals and aspirations for the year you already understand my choices. Strengthening those good things in my life. and making a pretty little something for myself at the same time :)
Moonstone- Divine, Harmony And Feminine
Moonstone is an excellent stone to use in meditation to understand oneself. Moonstone supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing out the best in people. Its loving energy promotes the Divine in all situations. It helps to strengthen intuition brings balance and harmony. It soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones it enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life It reminds us of our own worth and divinity. It invokes sensuality and gentle passion. It enhances and makes aware the power of the Divine feminine.
Quartz- Amplification, Clearing, Cleansing, Healing, Power, Energy
Clear Quartz stones are one of the most versatile stones in the mineral realm. It easily enhances any intention focused through it. It also amplifies the energetic properties of any stones it is used with. Different formations of quartz have other associated properties: Ancient Japanese believed quartz formed from the breath of a white dragon, and regarded it as representing perfection. Quartz is a power stone. It has been called the "Universal Crystal" because of its many uses. It enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. Quartz also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation and protection.. Due to its ability to balance, quartz is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one's environment. Quartz is also good for energizing other crystals. Quartz is also a stone of clarity, which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. It can be used to purify and clarify on the spiritual, mental, and physical planes. It is powerfully protective because of these properties. Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. Because it clarifies thought processes and emotions, it can increase inspiration and creativity. It can also help particularly with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Quartz is also a stone of harmony because it balances energies, and is even helpful in romantic relationships.
Rose Quartz -Unconditional Love, Friendship and Self- Worth
Rose quartz is a beautiful translucent pink stone that radiates the energy of unconditional love. It is the best crystal for healing anxiety because it replaces worries and fears and brings in feelings of calmness and reassurance. Rose quartz is often called the "Love Stone." Its energetic hallmark is that of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. This makes rose quartz a stone for every type of love: self-love, family, platonic, romantic, and unconditional. As a variety of quartz, rose quartz has high energy, and this strong energy can enhance love in virtually any situation. Rose quartz is used to raise self-esteem and a strong sense of self-worth. Its loving energies teach us to apply this love to ourselves and thereby find ourselves more worthy. Emotionally, rose quartz is used to balance emotions and bring peace and calm. This calm emotional balance brings stress relief and easing of anxiety. All these things carry energies of forgiveness, tolerance, and compassion to the fore, enabling us to see the good in both others and ourselves.
Garnet- “Stone Of Health And Passionate Devotion” - Love, Emotional Harmony, Vitality And Passion
The stone of passionate devotion: to your family, your friends, yourself, and your own purpose in life. Attracts profound love, gives persistence, cures depression. The Garnet is a stone of purity and truth as well as a symbol of love and compassion.
Garnet is a powerful energizing and regenerative stone. It balances, strengthens and protects. Garnet sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people. It dissolves ingrained behavior patterns that are no longer serving you, and helps you let go of obsolete ideas. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos, opening up the heart and bestowing self-confidence. It revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self.
Labradorite- “Bringer Of Light”, Protective And Positive
Labradorite is the most powerful protector of the mineral kingdom, creating a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. According to an Eskimo legend, the Northern Lights were once imprisoned in the rocks along the coast of Labrador. It is told that a wandering Eskimo warrior found them and was able to free most of the lights with a mighty blow of his spear. Some of the lights were still trapped within the stone, and thus we have today the beautiful mineral known as labradorite. Labradorite is said to provide quick relief from anxiety, hopelessness and depression, replacing them with enthusiasm, self-confidence and inspiration. It is said to dispel negativity and to bring clear understanding by enhancing clarity of thought and improving one's ability to cooperate with others in harmony. Labradorite stimulates intuition, especially the art of “right-timing”.
What stones would you use if you could choose in a talisman for yourself? Let me know in the comments
Thanks for stopping by!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
of Torches and Rings
Thank goodness for the Year of Jewelry project. I’m feeling less than chatty and like I have no words again this week so it’s Year of Jewelry to the rescue.
Thank goodness for Lavender Oil |
If you follow me on Instagram you saw the burn on my thumb. I was a little careless and lost in thought rather than paying attention to the location of my hand. Ouch. A little lavender oil and my thumb healed up beautifully.
Since then I’ve noticed my torches flame is flowering. My awesome son cleaned the tip for me but that didn’t completely solve the problem. I switched over to using my butane torch but it has always been hit or miss. (I think it was a bit of a lemon) My son being the wonderful kid he is, went out and bought me a new tip. My husband being the loving man he is, went out and bought me a new butane torch. I was one Happy Camper!
So this weeks post brings to you a simple band of sterling silver. Lightly textured and soldered with the new torch. And the Kiddo claimed it immediately as payment for the modeling session!! Ha! I need to steal it back for a few photos to create a made to order listing. She wears it stacked with another ring she purchased and they look beautiful together.
Sterling and Ruby in Fuchsite |
I also shared on Instagram a pendant I had made a few weeks back. I dropped it and the cab/bezel popped off. The new small torch went in and tacked it right back in place!! This one has a good solid pin point flame the other one never had. The hubs did really really well!
That's about it for the week!
Thanks for stoppin by!
We'll see ya next week!
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Bell Flower Earrings
Week 15 of Year of Jewelry is a sweet pair of earrings. Bell flowers made form little brass bells.
Once upon a time I used to get daily e-mails for the Beading Gem. I’m not entirely sure why I don’t anymore upgraded servers on her end or mine, I dunno. I don’t seem to get a lot of mail that I used to…. Anyway one of the last e-mails I remember was for a tutorial for some really sweet earrings. The original poster had tried to use bells but didn’t quite like how they turned out so she had dissected the bells to create her own. I actually liked how the bells looked so I stuck to that part of the tutorial in making my own. I may try the rest of it some day in the future but for now I’m happy with these.
Here’s the Beading Gem blog post
and the original post by Judy Larson
Thanks for stopping by!
We’ll see you next time~
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Poetry and Daggers
Her broken heart never mended, the shattered pieces were stored.
She went about her life but her spirit never soared
She pulled the dagger from her heart so many years ignored.
She kept it to remind herself, of how her love was torn.
Drawing her last breath, her heart battered and forlorn.
I love you still, she whispers, though her heart has been outworn.
~~ Dana 2016
Sometimes you need to dabble a little in other art forms. It’s been years ahem decades since I’ve written any poetry and this one started out much much darker. The kiddo didn’t like the way it flowed, so I’ve been working on it tweaking words here and there. I’m not sure if I’m done with it yet, I think I’m happy with the way it reads and I may write a sister poem of him, how empty his life was without her, the regret he felt at not stopping her, we’ll see. Maybe I’ll add some artwork, watercolor maybe or just a drawing. hmm I dunno. But it has been kinda nice to switch gears for a little bit.
This is week 14 of the Year of Jewelry project. I missed last week - life happened and I kept thinking I’d get a post written all the way until it was time to write this weeks, and I just had to admit it wasn’t getting written.
Lima Beads had these really cool looking Tibetan horns in their newsletter and they inspired the brass dagger I made this week. Originally I had thought I’d make up an arrowhead or a sharks tooth in brass and or copper to hang from the stingray leather I got in that awesome box from Endless Leather but somehow this dagger (could be a claw now that I look at it lol) and its matching beads seemed perfectly suited.
I drew out the shape on some brass sheet, cut it out, annealed it, ran it through the embosser and then started dapping and forging the curves. And of course all edges have been filed smooth as well. I actually had a lot of fun creating the dagger and it allowed me to take a breather from all the tax stuffs and deep serious conversations with the hubs. We've needed to have them and it feels so good to really talk with him again. He has always been my rock and I'm so grateful to have him.
Thanks for stopping by!
We'll see you next time!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Leather! I’ve Got More Leather!!
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I received this glorious box of leather from Endless Leather last week. |
I have ideas, oh do I have ideas!!
Here I am with this box of gorgeous cords and still kind of stuck for an idea for this weeks Year of Jewelry piece. We even have color prompts for stuck weeks and that didn’t get the ball rolling. I looked on the desk at my UFO’s and meh I don’t feel like stringing, or weaving, I made simple earrings last week, what to do what to do? Hmmm what do I have left in this basket? Oh yeah! The embossed butterfly…… I wonder if some of the blue leather will match the turquoise color of the glass beads.
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Perfect match! |
This is a Nappa Leather cord and oh my, this is some of the softest leather I’ve ever felt, and it lays along the neck just beautifully.
I’ve got all kinds of ideas from bracelet wraps to necklaces for this gorgeous gorgeous stuff! You’ll be seeing lots more of this as I have a couple different colors and I’m really excited about using more of it.
Before I leave you for the week, let me share a little funny.
The hubs and I have been having some very serious discussions as of late, this morning was no exception. I got up walked over to him. Held his face in my hands and raised up to tip toes so I could look him in the eyes. I say to him "I love you. I need you to know that I know you have....F'ING CALVES!" Both calves cramp up dropping me to my knees, still holding his face in my hands we both twist over. The hubs cracks up, this intense romantic moment has been turned into much needed comic relief. He looks me in the eyes and says " We are a pair, and this is our life" I do love that man.
Cherish these moments, these are the ones that keep you going when all else feels lost.
Thanks for stopping by!
We'll see you next time!
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
on Building, or Finishing Another Room
Laying the tile in the Laundry Room |
It’s been awhile since I wrote a post on the goings on around the house. Mostly because it’s been largely quiet. The weather wasn’t co-operating there for awhile for the outside projects and the hubs has just been too busy or too tired to work on the indoor projects. Which leaves me to do all the work and I start to feel unappreciated being the only one so everything comes to a stop. sigh
This last week the stars aligned just right and everything fell into place. Not only did the hubs get some more of the trim up around the doors, he capped the end of the wall in the kitchen - originally there was going to be a book case there but the wall is not just out of plumb it’s crooked.
We’ve run into this a lot more than we should’ve. Never hire someone who wasn’t on the short list just because you have to wait on the ones who are on the short list - HAVE PATIENCE.
Anyway, so the bookcase was eliminated from the cabinetry and the pantry cabinet got bigger but that left the end of the wall unfinished. The hubs capped it, finished the trim on the outside of our bedroom door and started the trim around the doorway to my office. Best of all, we laid the tile in the laundry room! I think I mentioned I had started the tile sometime back and was just waiting on the hubs to lay down some more backer board so I could get to the end of the room before moving all the appliances across the room before working on that side.
The hubs cleaning the tile after I grouted. I mopped two more times after that. |
I asked if he wouldn’t mind and we just ran with it, got the whole room finished!! Yay! That’s two rooms 100% completely finished! I love my laundry room now! En suite bathrooms are next, flipping coins to see who gets to go first lol There has been some rumblings about not being able to use the bathroom while it’s being tiled - oh how quickly they got used to not having to share bathrooms!
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Sterling Silver and Labradorite Red Buds are blooming! There's a honeybee in the pic too :) |
Year of jewelry, it’s week 11 and since I was busy with the laundry room I opted for something simple this week. Sometimes though, simple is just the ticket, I LOVE these earrings. Sterling silver and Labradorite, that flash is just gorgeous isn’t it? It’s one of my favorite gemstones to work with, and I never seem to buy it, I just don’t know why. I need to correct that and soon!
That’s it or today, Thanks for stopping by!
We’ll see ya next week!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
on Creating Efficiency, a Theme on a Goal
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My new posts will feature the things that inspired my jewelry. |
One of my goals this year is to be more efficient with my time in order to free up more time for the family.
I’ve noticed more posts on FB doesn’t necessarily equate to more interaction. In fact I increased postings before Valentines and my stats dropped. So a high frequency of posting isn’t necessary at all, but a good quality posting still is.
I opened a Hoot Suite account for scheduling purposes but I still haven’t used it. I have however started working on putting together some posts and trying to work out a schedule that doesn’t put the same post everywhere at the same time - no one likes that either, or at least I don’t, maybe no one else actually minds and I’m just weird that way. What “my” audience does seem to really like are in progress shots and inspiration posts and gasp posts about me? lol I don’t know why that surprises me, but it does. I kind of like it though. It’s like I’m finally finding that little something I’ve been hunting for.
The whole less posting thing has freed up a bit of time for me, and I feel more productive with my time when I am online and posting. More importantly my family is happier with my increased presence and availability for them. And THAT is what it’s all about.
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Aventurine Gemstone Donut & Silver Stampings |
This weeks Year of Jewelry piece is a green Aventurine donut adorned with silver plated stampings, a sterling rolo chain and a couple sweet crystals in a matching green. I believe this one is running off to live on the east coast fairly soon but if someone were interested in a similar necklace I can easily pick up another gemstone donut or two…. or more. As pretty as it is in Aventurine, think how sweet this could be in the soft pink of a Rose Quartz! Or how fun a composite Turquoise would look with it’s metallic veining! I might have to buy some just so I can play with it now, I wonder who has some Mojave Turquoise available?? What do you think? Blue, Purple, Green? Or the heavy black matrix with pops of blue/green turquoise? I am really going to have to check this out as soon as I'm done posting here.... or after I get back from the post office... customer service first, shopping second.
Thanks for stoppin by!
See ya next time!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
on Looking Out the Other Window: Perspectives
This morning was gloomy. Dark and stormy, and I was feeling sad and lonely. I was reading my e-mail and drinking my morning coffee feeling smaller and smaller as my troubles started feeling overwhelmingly large. The tears began to fall down my cheeks and I was on the verge of a complete meltdown.
Something moved in the wind outside and I caught it out the corner of my eye. I had been sitting sideways in my chair facing the back windows, I turned to see what it was and there to the front of the house were plenty of blue skies and sunshine.
It’s funny how simply seeing the sun was in fact still there can immediately turn your attitude around. And I remembered something I said just the other day. Happiness comes from within, you can’t depend on someone else to create it for you. How you allow the words in your head to speak to you genuinely impacts your feelings. And since you are the voice in your head, you have control over what you say and hear.
I am dealing with some deeply personal things at the moment and I do need to allow myself to cry as it is part of the healing process but today it was largely the words in my head. As the skies got darker so did the negativity of those words. When I turned and saw blue skies, my spirits lifted and the words began to focus on the positives again.
Just a simple shift in perspective. Same sky, different view. A simple reminder the sun is still there. An invitation to send those clouds packing on a gust of wind.
I missed last weeks posting so you get double YoJ postings. I was really busy on the jewelry front last week and I’m hoping this is just the beginning of an upward trend. All indicators say it is and that’s definitely something to be happy about.
Weeks 8 and 9
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Coral & Obsidian |
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Crystals Brass & Vintage Glass |
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